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Tuesday, July 16

7:30am EDT

Registration Check-in & Breakfast
Tuesday July 16, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

8:30am EDT

Day One Welcome
Tuesday July 16, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EDT
avatar for David Raymond

David Raymond

Director, Virginia Cyber Range, Virginia Tech
Dr. David Raymond serves as Director of the Virginia Cyber Range and Deputy Director of Virginia Tech’s IT Security Office and Lab. He also teaches courses on networking and cybersecurity in the Virginia Tech Masters of Information Technology program and serves as faculty advisor... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

9:00am EDT

Cybersecurity In Gaming: A Holistic Approach to Computer Game Security
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
According to a study published by the United Nations in 2022, online gaming, engaged in by 91% of children aged 3-15, also presents opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit trust through unmoderated features. This can lead to potential data extraction or the introduction of malicious files. Also, Globally, gaming revenue amounts to an estimated $242.39 billion, with almost half of that generated by the Asia Pacific. By the year 2030, this worldwide total is expected to more than double to $583.69 billion. Without looking at cybersecurity posture and mindset at multiple levels, the online gaming industry is increasingly vulnerable to online cybercriminals. Unfortunately, cybercrime is not just about loss of revenue, but also could lead to loss of life when bad actors use online gaming platforms as a mechanism for human-trafficking and espionage. This presentation aims to give a unique, holistic introductory overview of several key areas when the intersection between online gaming and cybersecurity is examined.
avatar for Thom Garrett

Thom Garrett

Chief Cybersecurity Architect, Dynamic Animation Systems, Inc. (DAS)
Thom has 30+ years of experience in Cybersecurity and IT operations. Over the years, he has served as a System/Network Administrator, Engineering Systems Manager, Sr. Technical Manager, Deputy Director of Operations, and currently serving as Chief Cybersecurity Architect. He has worked... Read More →

Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
Room 219

9:00am EDT

Find, Use, and Share Open Educational Resources for Cybersecurity: An introduction to Creative Commons and OER for educators at all levels
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Curious about finding, creating, and sharing learning resources? Join Virginia Tech’s Open Education Librarian in this 100-minute workshop for an introduction to Creative Commons licenses and OER (Open Educational Resources). Leave as a super-searcher with a handful of new resources, and with the details you need to build, create, and share freely-available openly-licensed learning resources. The workshop will feature presentations, discussion, small group work, and plenty of hands-on activities customized for your particular level of education and areas of interest.
avatar for Anita Walz

Anita Walz

Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, University Libraries at Virginia Tech
Anita Walz is Associate Professor and the Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University Libraries at Virginia Tech where she founded and oversees the Open Education Initiative and OER grant program. She holds a masters in Library and... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

9:00am EDT

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Creating CTF Challenges that Prepare Beginners and yet Dare More Experienced Students
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
As a CTF developer, there are two worst case scenarios: some student solves all of the challenges and some student does not solve any of the challenges.  The first of these, somebody solves all of the challenges, might be embarrassing to the developer, but it might also mean that one or more students are not being challenged.  The second, some student does not solve any of the challenges, is big problem because it means that one, or more, students are not engaged and potentially not learning.  We have been developing CTF challenges for more than ten years and in that time, we have developed strategies and rules of thumb that help encourage students and provide scaffolding where capturing one flag provides most of what a student will need to capture the next one.  In this workshop, we will take the participants through the process of creating challenges in three categories:  reconnaissance, hashing, and cryptography.  Participants will learn the tricks that we use to lay out a set of challenges for each of these categories so that the challenges progress from fairly easy (avoiding the second scenario) to quite challenging (avoiding the first scenario), raising the level of student accomplishment and engagement with each successive challenge.  Not only will participants be guided through the process of creating just-in-time learning opportunities for their students, the tools and techniques that we will share may help them prepare their students for future competitions.
avatar for Prem Uppuluri

Prem Uppuluri

Professor, Radford University
Dr. Prem Uppuluri is a Professor at Radford University, Coordinator of the Center for Information Security at Radford University. He led the development of the Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity, the Competency Based Cybersecurity Certificate of the Vinod Chachra IMPACT lab... Read More →
avatar for Joe Chase

Joe Chase

Professor, Department of Information Technology, Radford University
Dr. Joe Chase is a Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Radford University. Dr. Chase serves Director of the Computer Science Program and Co-Director of the RUSecure CTF Contests for high school and community college students. He received his Ph.D. from... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Brush Mountain B

9:45am EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am EDT

9:55am EDT

True ransomware stories and leadership action plans
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:55am - 10:40am EDT
There has a dramatic increase in major cybersecurity incidents affecting large, medium and small organizations in the public and private sectors over the past few years. From ransomware to data breaches, these disruptive incidents have raised the stakes for technology and security leaders.

Dan will talk about these trends, including true stories, from his book: Cyber Mayday and the Day After: A Leader's Guide to Preparing, Managing, and Recovering From Inevitable Business Disruptions. This book was a best-seller on Amazon.com.
Topics covered will include:
- Talking about Cyber emergencies, It is really alarming, it’s like there is at least one news about cyber attacks every week. What do you think are the causes for this?
- Stories on how ransomware attacks have hit K-20 schools, universities and community colleges very hard.
- What action steps can leaders take to prepare before, during and after cyber emergencies?
- Dan will share compelling stories from the book and more recent events. - What were some lessons learned from those situations?
avatar for Dan Lohrmann

Dan Lohrmann

Field Chief Information Security Officer, Presidio Networked Solutions
Dan Lohrmann started his career at the National Security Agency (NSA) and currently serves as Field Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for Presidio. Dan Lohrmann is an internationally recognized cybersecurity leader, technologist, keynote speaker and the author of three books... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 9:55am - 10:40am EDT
Room 219

10:40am EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:00am EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 10:40am - 11:00am EDT

11:00am EDT

Building Understanding and Softskills from the Ground Up with a 1st and 2nd Year Cybersecurity Seminar Course
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
Cybersecurity students can start their academic journey with a wide variety of backgrounds.  From a true novice, with no idea what all it entails, through to students already holding certifications (such as security +).  Finding a way to engage cybersecurity students, and fostering their growth within the field across their academic journey is an important element in maintaining the pipeline of students.  This proposal will present on a series of specially designed 1 credit courses titled 1st and 2nd year cybersecurity seminar class.  These classes are designed to engage students in the field of cybersecurity, and give them a chance to better understand and explore the bounds of cybersecurity, and build empathy and soft skills desirable by employers.
avatar for Christopher Kreider

Christopher Kreider

Prog Coordinator for IS and Cybersecurity, Christopher Newport University
Chris is faculty at Christopher Newport University. In his role there, he has taken point on developing new cybersecurity opportunities for students, including an area of emphasis and a major. Additionally, Chris advises first year cybersecurity students, collaborates with the local... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
Brush Mountain B

11:00am EDT

Cyber-Anthropology? A Freakonomics-like, Multidisciplinary Odyssey
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
In recent years, cybersecurity has evolved beyond a purely technical field, encompassing socio-economic, psychological, and cultural dimensions. As such, it is crucial to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to cybersecurity education to effectively address the multifaceted nature of cyber threats and solutions.      

This short presentation offers an in-depth research and data-based exploration of various interdisciplinary approaches to cybersecurity. It follows this Table of Contents: Cybersecurity, Psychology, Anthropology, Criticisms, Benefits, and a Conclusion. As we prepare students for the complexities of the digital era, it is essential to equip them with a comprehensive skill set that transcends technical expertise alone.

The presentation is aimed at elucidating the symbiotic relationship between technical knowledge and the social sciences. Through the integration of insights from psychological evaluation metrics such as HEXACO and parallels with tools of our human ancestors and today's common digital forensics tools such as a scytale and encryption algorithms, educators and the general public will gain a nuanced understanding of the nature of cyber threats and defenses.

By fostering a deeper appreciation for interdisciplinary perspectives, educators and the general public will be better equipped to instill a holistic understanding of cybersecurity principles in those around them, with connections to human history and culture that drive the need for cybersecurity. Additionally, with hundreds of thousands of jobs in cybersecurity needed, it is imperative that multi-disciplinary studies, as well as out-of-the-box research and data-based studies, are introduced to appeal to a wide variety of students and general audience members who will need to fill these roles in the present.

This talk serves as a catalyst for empowering the next generation of cyber professionals with an interdisciplinary approach to help them navigate the dynamic challenges of the digital landscape with confidence and competence. Please consider joining in this transformative journey towards excellence in cybersecurity education.

Sneha Magadi

Raytheon Workforce Development Fellow, IC-CAE Scholar, President of the Transfer Peer Mentor Program, Raytheon Workforce Development Program
Sneha S. Magadi is a junior in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, specializing in Networking and Cybersecurity. She brings a diverse skill set, including proficiency in AWS, C++, and Python, and certifications such as AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and PMI Agile Foundations... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
Room 219

11:00am EDT

Securing Tomorrow: The Role of Hands-On Internships in Shaping the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Professionals
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
The future of cybersecurity lies in the hands of today's learners, making experiential learning an indispensable part of their education. This presentation delves into an innovative internship program developed at Triple Point Security over the past five years. Focusing on hands-on, real-world application, the program has successfully created a talent pipeline cultivating professionals adept in the latest cybersecurity technologies and trends, including cloud security and DevSecOps. Through strategic partnerships with organizations like the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and Virginia Cyber Range, the program offers interns unparalleled opportunities to develop their skills and make significant contributions to Virginia's cybersecurity community. This talk will detail the key components of the program's success, including its adaptation to an online format, development of strategic partnerships with academia, and focus on both technical and soft skills critical for tomorrow’s cybersecurity leaders. Discover how this program can serve as a model for augmenting cybersecurity education through work-based learning, shaping resilient professionals ready to secure the final frontier.

Andrew Kulak

Associate/Adjunct Professor, Triple Point Security/Virginia Tech
Dr. Andrew Kulak is a cybersecurity consultant, associate of the firm Triple Point Security, and part-time computer science professor at Virginia Tech deeply engaged in both the practical and theoretical dimensions of cybersecurity and computer science education. Holding a Ph.D. in... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

11:40am EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:40am - 12:40pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:40am - 12:40pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

12:45pm EDT

Cyber Esports - Learn to Play. Play to Learn.
Tuesday July 16, 2024 12:45pm - 1:30pm EDT
Cybersecurity games provide a unique approach, called Learn to Play, Play to Learn. By teaching individuals how to play cybersecurity-related games and challenges, they can take on more complexity as they play, opening up to self-paced, applied learning, similar to Montessori, in a team-oriented immersive environment. This life-long skill can be adopted at any stage to safely keep cyber skills sharp throughout careers. From the school room to the board room, games provide valuable experiential learning and proficiency metrics used in resumes, performance reviews, and interviews.
During this talk, Jessica Gulick will share what it means to create a Cybersecurity-oriented esport, why it is important, and how it's happening within the US Cyber Games.
avatar for Jessica Gulick

Jessica Gulick

CEO & Founder, Katzcy
Jessica Gulick is a recognized cybersecurity practitioner and thought leader with over 25 years of experience in engineering and cybersecurity. She has led cybersecurity teams and contributed as an author on national cyber standards. She is also a VT MBA alumna and entrepreneur, having... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 12:45pm - 1:30pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

1:30pm EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:30pm - 1:45pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:30pm - 1:45pm EDT

1:45pm EDT

Making Cyber Education Accessible
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm EDT
Cybersecurity education offers particular challenges for accessibility. In addition to the top 10 problems in all web-based education, our cyber exercises tend to use custom tools and environments not initially designed with accessibility and inclusion in mind.

Most web page problems can be found with free automated tools, and most can be solved in minutes. Two evaluation systems will be provided and discussed. Testing is the key to improving your education products.

A discussion will focus on pedagogically sound ways to improve learning while avoiding accessibility issues.
avatar for Scott Chandler

Scott Chandler

Digital Accessibility Officer, Virginia Tech
S.B. “Chandler” Chandler, Ph.D. is the Digital Accessibility Officer in the Office of Equity and Accessibility at Virginia Tech where he works closely with TLOS Accessible Technologies. He holds IAAP’s Web Accessibility Specialist and other certifications. Chandler has over... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:45pm - 2:30pm EDT
Room 219

1:45pm EDT

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:45pm - 3:25pm EDT
A learner-focused, user-friendly way to think computationally; real-time response from AI on any errors and bugs, with suggestions on how to fix them. Students create with AI, think like a computer scientist and problem-solve in a fun, engaging manner.

Michael Hsiao

Professor, Virginia Tech
Michael Hsiao is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. His professional interests include reliable design, artificial intelligence, and natural language based applications. He has worked extensively with both students and teachers to... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 1:45pm - 3:25pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

2:30pm EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:30pm - 2:40pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:30pm - 2:40pm EDT

2:40pm EDT

Want to Enhance your Cybersecurity Curriculum? Check out RING! It's FREE!
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:40pm - 3:25pm EDT
Join this fun and engaging session to learn about the Regions Investing in the Net Generation (RING) cybersecurity curriculum that offers exciting and engaging content. It can be used to enhance your cybersecurity curriculum by providing lessons, assessments, projects, eMATES games, and labs.  The course was created based on the Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education Designation Requirements - Cybersecurity Foundational Knowledge Units.  The curriculum includes Careers, Ethics, Establishing Trust, Ubiquitous Connectivity (Networking), Data Security, System Security, Adversarial Thinking, Risk, and Implications.  We will walk through portions of the curriculum and discuss ways you can implement it in your classes.  ***Please complete this form before attending the session to request full access to the curriculum: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9PrRxmDU5p59wZKmYV4hqPFSpsoV1nXPiXTFHLOESkMJP-w/viewform .  Note: This does not obligate you to use the curriculum.  
avatar for Jennifer Marden

Jennifer Marden

RING Trainer, University of Alabama - Huntsville
Jennifer Cramer Marden is a trainer and research scientist with the RING cybersecurity curriculum team at the University of Alabama Huntsville. She is a former Loudoun County Public School teacher where she taught for thirteen years, with six of the past years teaching Introduction... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:40pm - 3:25pm EDT
Room 219

2:40pm EDT

Empowering VA Teachers with CHOICE and Funding for PD!
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:40pm - 3:25pm EDT
Are you a teacher in a Virginia school who could use $2000 for professional development opportunities YOU choose? If so, attend this session to learn about The Professional Learning by Choice Community (CHOICE), administered by Virginia Ed Strategies!

CHOICE is funded by a $10.8M US Department of Education (USED) Education Research and Innovation (EIR) grant to research the impact of giving teachers autonomy in their professional development. The CHOICE model includes $2000 per teacher annually for professional learning, wrap-around supports, and a collaborative peer-to-peer virtual community to empower teachers to reflect on their current practices, select and attend professional learning opportunities that are relevant and impactful for them, and implement new strategies in their classrooms that lead to positive student outcomes. In its fourth year of implementation, CHOICE currently serves 400 STEM and CTE teachers from 88 Virginia public school divisions and is accepting 600+ new participants in the summer of 2024. To be eligible for cohort 2, a teacher must teach math, science, computer science, or career and technical education/career exploration to students at any grade level - PK-12.

Attend this session to learn about the innovative solutions being developed and implemented in the CHOICE model to address teacher challenges including burnout, isolation, lack of time, implementation barriers, data-driven decision-making, and others. Presenters will provide a deep dive into the virtual professional learning community, showcase the customized tools being used, and encourage attendees who are eligible to complete interest forms to join the program this year.
avatar for Jennifer Stevens

Jennifer Stevens

Virginia Ed Strategies, Virginia Ed Strategies
Jennifer Stevens began her educational career in 1995, first serving as a teacher in Halifax County and then moving on to lead grant-funded education projects with Longwood University, Virginia Tech, and NASA Langley Research Center. In 2007, she held a lead role on the team of educators... Read More →

Buffie Holley

CHOICE Computer Science Specialist and High School Teacher, Virginia Ed Strategies
Buffie Holley is a Computer Science and Mathematics teacher at Albemarle High School in Charlottesville, as well as an adjunct CS instructor with Virtual Virginia. She has been teaching Computer Science since 2011 and earned a Master of Science degree in CS from Syracuse University... Read More →
Tuesday July 16, 2024 2:40pm - 3:25pm EDT
Brush Mountain B

3:25pm EDT

Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:25pm - 3:45pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:25pm - 3:45pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

3:45pm EDT

Building a Robust Cyber Generation Through Government Initiatives
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about State and Federal initiatives to prepare, grow, and sustain cybersecurity education and workforce development that safeguards and promotes America’s national security and economic prosperity. Representatives from Federal agencies will provide an overview of program priorities, grant programs, workshops and conferences, resources, and other activities.
Through an open conversation, participants will come away with a better understanding of the plethora of federal cybersecurity education and workforce development opportunities and how the various government programs collaborate to build a whole-of-nation approach. The session will enable attendees to access resources and promote networking with agency representatives for collaboration. Panelists will encourage dialogue with the audience to learn how to improve government efforts. There will be an opportunity for Q&A.
Tuesday July 16, 2024 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

4:35pm EDT

4:45pm EDT

Transport to University Club
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:45pm - 5:00pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 4:45pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

Networking Reception
Tuesday July 16, 2024 5:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Tuesday July 16, 2024 5:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
University Club of Virginia Tech Lane Stadium, 185 Beamer Way, Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
Wednesday, July 17

7:30am EDT

Registration Check-in & Breakfast
Wednesday July 17, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 7:30am - 8:30am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

8:30am EDT

Day Two Welcome
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EDT
avatar for David Raymond

David Raymond

Director, Virginia Cyber Range, Virginia Tech
Dr. David Raymond serves as Director of the Virginia Cyber Range and Deputy Director of Virginia Tech’s IT Security Office and Lab. He also teaches courses on networking and cybersecurity in the Virginia Tech Masters of Information Technology program and serves as faculty advisor... Read More →
avatar for Robert Osmond

Robert Osmond

Chief Information Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency
Robert “Bob” Osmond was appointed as Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Commonwealth by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin in April 2022. As CIO, Osmond leads the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA).As CIO, Osmond leads the Virginia Information Technologies Agency... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 8:30am - 9:00am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

9:00am EDT

Hiding in the Dark - Child Predator Use of the Darknet
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
The role of technology in the facilitation of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) has increased significantly. The “Darknet” has become a platform and repository for the production, distribution and consumption of explicit child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The Internet has changed the way child pornography and commercial sexual exploitation offenses are committed, investigated, and prosecuted. Through the use of case study analysis, this presentation will discuss solvability factors that can contribute to addressing and mitigating for the OSEC and CSAM. So that attendees can better understand (and teach their students) how online predators use the Darknet to hide and distribute CSAM, the presentation will close by discussing several international CSAM-hosting darknet sites.

Scott White

Associate Professor & Director, The George Washington University
Dr. Scott J. White is a Clinical Criminologist and Director of the Cybersecurity Program at The George Washington University's College of Professional Studies. He holds a B.A. from York University (Toronto, Canada), a M.A. from the University of Guelph (Guelph, Canada), a M.A. from... Read More →

David Vargas

Clinical Professor, The George Washington University
David Vargas is a networking and cybersecurity professor at several local colleges and universities in the Washington, DC area. He has worked extensively in cybersecurity in both the public and private sectors and often shares his expertise at security conferences and professional... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:45am EDT
Room 219

9:00am EDT

Be an agent of change, with VA Cyber Range!
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Let's take tech out of the driving seat for a session, and talk about purpose. This session will explore how to equip students to become 'Geeks Who Can Speak (a little better than they did before)'.

The focus of the workshop is to network, share practice, and get creative. Attendees will learn how VA Cyber Range resources were paired with a criminal negotiation game to teach university students about ransomware. We will then explore ideas for 'socio-technical' cybersecurity activities that leverage VA Cyber Range resources (guidance will be provided but participants are encouraged to improvise).

The VA Cyber Range is a wonderful resource with incredible reach and impact, helping K-12, Community College and University educators equip students with tech awareness and skills. We know that students need help developing their critical thinking, communication and teamwork skills, now more than ever. Handily, these skills map directly to professional competencies - technical skills are just one piece of the puzzle that young people will need to navigate their futures.


Arianna Schuler Scott

Senior Associate Director, Virginia Tech (ISERC)
Arianna Schuler Scott is the Senior Associate Director of the Integrated Security Education Research Center (ISERC), Pamplin College of Business. She trained as an interdisciplinary cybersecurity researcher at the University of Oxford, working with clinical researchers to improve... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Brush Mountain B

9:00am EDT

Beyond the Human Threat: A Survey of AI Risks
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
This workshop will involve giving an explanation of various security risks posed by Artificial Intelligence, such as data privacy, misinformation, and bias/untrustworthy AI. A particular focus will be on emerging trends in Generative AI.
Participants will then partake in a hands on session where they will be able to test malicious uses of AI (i.e. creating a deepfake, predicting discriminatory information, social engineering), and then will be given exposure to approaching AI from a security standpoint (AI Red Teaming, AI Threat Modeling, Threat Detection with AI).

This workshop will not involve in-depth technical expertise, but will be a strong jumping off points for how to convey the security implications of new technologies and provide examples of hands-on activities.

Mark Paes

Member of Technical Staff, Carnegie Mellon University
Mark is a researcher at the CERT division Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute, where he evaluates issues in human-centric security and privacy with a special focus in Artificial Intelligence. Alongside this, he works as an Adjunct Professor at George Mason... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:00am - 10:40am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

9:45am EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:45am - 9:55am EDT

9:55am EDT

Empowering Futures and Building Technical Competencies Through Cybersecurity Internships
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:55am - 10:40am EDT
Internships are an essential component of a student’s college education and allow students to obtain work experience, gain knowledge of business functions, explore a chosen career path, improve teamwork and communications skills, and increase marketability and value to employers. This presentation provides an overview of the Field Study internship and accompanying course that students in Virginia Tech’s Cybersecurity Management and Analytics program must complete as part of their bachelor’s degree. (The internship must include work-related tasks that allow students to align and improve upon at least five cybersecurity competencies from the NICE Framework of Competencies and the course is three credits.) The overview will cover eligibility, the application and review process, course content and structure, and employer relations. The presentation will also cover tips and advice for developing an internship course and helping students locate an internship, in addition to having a panel of 2-3 students/alumni speak about their internship and course experience including benefits and lessons learned.
avatar for Justin Monday

Justin Monday

Assistant Professor of Practice, Virginia Tech
Justin W. Monday is an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Business Information Technology. He received an M.S. in Business Analytics from Virginia Tech, an M.S. in International Relations from Troy University, and a B.S. in Business Information Systems from Bellevue... Read More →
avatar for Karen Wrightsman

Karen Wrightsman

Assistant Director, BIT-Cyber program in Northern Virginia, Virginia Tech
Karen Wrightsman is the Assistant Director of the BIT-Cyber program in Northern Virginia and the MSBA with a concentration in Global Business Analytics program. She received a Ph.D. in Education from George Mason University, an M.A. in Educational Ministries from Wheaton College... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 9:55am - 10:40am EDT
Room 219

10:40am EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:40am - 11:00am EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 10:40am - 11:00am EDT

11:00am EDT

Teaching Cyber Ethics: Consequentialism in a World without Consequences
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
For more than twenty years, we have been asking our students to consider the following question.  If you could use a computer to steal enough money that neither you nor any member of your family would ever have to work again, AND you would not be caught, would you steal the money?  Unfortunately, the answers to that question have changed over the last twenty years. This question illustrates one of the major issues that confounds our discussion of Cyber Ethics and that is the issue of a lack of consequences.  In this presentation, we will present and discuss the learning outcomes expected of the ACM curriculum guidelines for Societal Computing (Cyber Ethics) along with some approaches that we have found successful to accomplish these learning outcomes.  We will also discuss the challenges associated with teaching topics such as Consequentialism to students that view cyberspace as a world without consequences.
avatar for Prem Uppuluri

Prem Uppuluri

Professor, Radford University
Dr. Prem Uppuluri is a Professor at Radford University, Coordinator of the Center for Information Security at Radford University. He led the development of the Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity, the Competency Based Cybersecurity Certificate of the Vinod Chachra IMPACT lab... Read More →
avatar for Joe Chase

Joe Chase

Professor, Department of Information Technology, Radford University
Dr. Joe Chase is a Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Radford University. Dr. Chase serves Director of the Computer Science Program and Co-Director of the RUSecure CTF Contests for high school and community college students. He received his Ph.D. from... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
Room 219

11:00am EDT

New College Institute CyberSAFE Exercise: Hack the Mobile Command Post
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
In the spirit of the popular Hack the Box platform, NCI is developing "Hack the Mobile Command Center" with its CyberSAFE vehicle to fill a needed gap in education and training.  NCI is developing exercises that will challenge students to defeat best practices - as defined by NSA's CSfC program - in remote (and possibly intermittent) scenarios.  The goal is to support experiential learning with onsite exercises using the vehicle as well as an enlarged scope of exercises on the Virginia Cyber range. Join the discussion of how and why, of exercises and assets, of securing the Mobile Command Post and its endpoints, which could include not just workstations but also IoT connectivity.

John Hoag

Data Analytics Consortium, Department of Computer Science, University of Akron
avatar for Ken Russell

Ken Russell

Chief Information & Innovation Officer, New College Institute
A technology investor and pioneer, Dr. Ken Russell developed early Intranet systems for large banks which led to his participation in developing one of the first successful Internet-based training platforms. As the CIO leading technology development for the Murdock Research Institute... Read More →

Scott Gerard

President, Knowledge Reactor Artificial Intelligence
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

11:45am EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:45am - 11:55am EDT

11:55am EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 11:55am - 12:55pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

12:55pm EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 12:55pm - 1:05pm EDT

1:05pm EDT

Using New, Advanced Networking Environments on the Cyber Range
Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:05pm - 1:50pm EDT
The Cyber Range has a couple of exciting new, hands on, advanced networking environments for College/University and high-school Cybersecurity Educators we want to show you.

Environment: OPNsense firewall with WAN, desktop, and server LANs
For Community College and University Instructors, the Cyber Range has been working hard for the last couple of years on the creation of a new, multi-network, red-team vs blue-team, attack & defense network that the Instructor controls and oversees. In this Advanced Networking environment, each competitive team gets their own desktop LAN and server network both tied to their own edge-router firewall running OPNsense.  The Instructor controls the network flood gates between team's router-firewalls, and can toggle this inter-team connectivity on & off. For example, starting the competition with inter-team connectivity turned off, teams have the the ability to set up their web server, database base server, harden their systems, and lock down their firewall settings before the instructor throws-open the network floodgates, allowing other teams & attackers to begin their scans and penetration attacks. For advanced access to this multi-network, attack/defense Cyber Range environment, contact support at support@virginiacyberrange.org and ask for T.Weeks.

Come and see a demo of this environment, get hands on access yourself and ask questions live at this talk, or watch this recorded walk-through demo video on our YouTube channel here: 

Environment/CTF: CyberPatriot-like Practice Game For High Schools
For the K12 community, we also have something new.. A new CyberPatriot-like practice VM environment & CTF competition.  CyberPatriot is a nation-wide, blue team/host hardening competition run by the Air Force every fall. Participation in this competition requires a computer lab or laptops with virtualization capabilities, lots of RAM and hard drive space.  The challenge has been that schools without beefy computer labs or who are all-chromebook based, can not run the virtual machines to practice for CyberPatriot.  To assist with this, the Cyber Range has created a new CyberPatriot-like practice VMs and CTF competition where they can all compete head to head and practice CyberPatriot challenges.  We have created a library of Windows and Linux VM artifacts, along with a Capture the Flag game and number of multiple choice networking challenges that pit students head to head, in a time-scoped, CyberPatriot-like experience that will get them on track to competing in your state's Cyber Patriot competition.  Our CyberPatriot-like VMs and CTF are unpublished, and only available by Cyber Range support request.  A walk CyberPatriot-practice environment, walk-through demo video is here.

For more info, or a request to access either of these environments, send an email/ticket  to support@virginiacyberrange.org or support@uscyberrange.org or ask for "T.Weeks".
avatar for Thomas Weeks

Thomas Weeks

Director, Technology Futures and Community Advocacy Division of Information Technology, Virginia Tech Cyber Range Engine, Virginia Tech
Thomas "Tweeks" Weeks is a published Linux author and sits as the technical lead for the Roanoke Blacksburg regional technology council's Cyber Security Forum. He is also an IT director with Virginia Tech IT, and he works with the Virginia Cyber Range as a Lead Engineer, security... Read More →

Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:05pm - 1:50pm EDT
Brush Mountain B

1:05pm EDT

K12 Cybersecurity Career Discovery
Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:05pm - 1:50pm EDT
Come learn about efforts that engage students with cybersecurity concepts and career exploration activities as they progress through their K12 journey. This session will highlight NICE/NIST efforts that connect elementary, middle, and high school programs and experiences, creating pathways for students at every stage. Come learn about the newly launched Professional Learning Webinar Series that showcases how educators can integrate cybersecurity education and cybersecurity career related concepts into their instruction, how to become part of the National Cybersecurity Ambassador Program, how to engage in the National K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference, and what’s in store for Cybersecurity Career Week, particularly new events and new resources.
Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:05pm - 1:50pm EDT
Room 219

1:50pm EDT

Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm EDT
Wednesday July 17, 2024 1:50pm - 2:00pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Fortifying Futures: AI in Cybersecurity Education Panel
Wednesday July 17, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education in cybersecurity, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring experts from state government, higher education, and industry as they delve into the transformative role of AI in education. They will share their insights on leveraging AI to enhance educational effectiveness and prepare future cybersecurity professionals, while avoiding potential pitfalls with this rapidly evolving technology.
avatar for Dale Pike

Dale Pike

Executive Director and Associate Vice Provost, Virginia Tech
Dale Pike is the Associate Vice Provost for Technology-enhanced Learning & Online Strategies at Virginia Tech. He provides leadership and support for technology-enabled learning environments, faculty development, and learning experience design. His work involves continuously exploring... Read More →
avatar for Robert Osmond

Robert Osmond

Chief Information Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency
Robert “Bob” Osmond was appointed as Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Commonwealth by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin in April 2022. As CIO, Osmond leads the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA).As CIO, Osmond leads the Virginia Information Technologies Agency... Read More →
avatar for David Raymond

David Raymond

Director, Virginia Cyber Range, Virginia Tech
Dr. David Raymond serves as Director of the Virginia Cyber Range and Deputy Director of Virginia Tech’s IT Security Office and Lab. He also teaches courses on networking and cybersecurity in the Virginia Tech Masters of Information Technology program and serves as faculty advisor... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom

2:45pm EDT

Closing Remarks
Wednesday July 17, 2024 2:45pm - 3:00pm EDT
avatar for David Raymond

David Raymond

Director, Virginia Cyber Range, Virginia Tech
Dr. David Raymond serves as Director of the Virginia Cyber Range and Deputy Director of Virginia Tech’s IT Security Office and Lab. He also teaches courses on networking and cybersecurity in the Virginia Tech Masters of Information Technology program and serves as faculty advisor... Read More →
Wednesday July 17, 2024 2:45pm - 3:00pm EDT
Commonwealth Ballroom
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